Se nos ha ocurrido la idea de hacer algo "grande" en un sitio "grande", ese embudo geografico en el cual miles de aves tienen que pasar a la fuerza, merece que se le preste atencion.
Si fuese otra persona, quizás mi interés se desviaria para otro sitio pero sabiendo quien va a trabajar y quienes vamos a echar una mano, te entran ganas de hacer.
Una descabellada idea que todos los anilladores siempre hemos tenido en mente ¿ porque no montar una red Helgoland?...
Necesitamos ayuda economica, cosa dificil en los tiempos que corren, el trabajo y esfuerzo ya está apalabrado, la logistica casi solucionada y la ilusion de que este enclave sea reconocido a nivel internacional es lo que nos proponemos.
Animo a todos a que nos acompañeis en este curso de iniciacion a la ornitologia, a los que ya estais "iniciados", a los que ven esto como curiosidad y a los que algun dia podrian estar "iniciados", seguramente estos 3 dias de convivencia puedan hacer reflexionar,entusiasmar e incluso animar a esas personas que quieren pero no se atreven...
¿ Porque no pasar un fin de semana en el sur y conocer a esta tierra, a los anilladores de aqui y su forma de trabajar?, a buen seguro que la experiencia merecerá la pena.

Os esperamos, seguro que lo pasaremos a lo grande.
With the great potential of birds that Guadaira River as it passes through Coria del Rio, in those days the way you want to die at mid-morning when the collectors have them bursting with birds and networks continue to fill with that fucking cloud of mosquitoes even in the ego, there is a moment that you look, you see what is happening with mud up Kicking to his eyebrows and you see that guy with glasses and very nervous Chiquitilla tidying ... It has happened to us the idea of doing something "big" in a place "great", the geographic funnel in which thousands of birds have to go into force, deserves attention. If you were another person, perhaps my interest would be diverted to another site but knowing who is going to work and who are going to lend a hand, you feel like doing. A preposterous idea that all banders have always had in mind why not build a network Helgoland? ... We need financial help, something difficult in current times, the work and effort already bespoken, logistics almost resolved and the illusion that this location is recognized at international level is what we intend. I encourage everyone to accompany us in this process of initiation to ornithology, to which you are already "initiated", who see this as a curiosity and that one day could be "initiated", surely these 3 days of cohabitation can to reflect, excite and even encourage those people who want but do not dare ... Why not spend a weekend in the south and know this land, the banders here and the way you work?, To be sure that the experience worth it.
After writing, nobody telling me I have not warned, one morning in the Guadaira, at this time and deployed networks has its charm.I hope, sure we'll have big.